The Dark Stone opened at the Cervantes Theatre London for a short run in June 2017 and was then programmed in their Fall season in Aug-Sep the same year. It was the the first English version of ‘La Piedra Oscura’ by the Spanish playwright Alberto Conejero and was translated by the actors and director during rehearsal.

📸 Elena Molina

Photos by Elena Molina


Sebastian is a young soldier supporting Franco’s side in the Spanish Civil war and has never been outside his village. He guards Rafael, a prisoner who supports the Republican government and is the inspiration for ‘Sonetos del Amor Oscuro’ Federico Garcia Lorca’s famous collection of poems.

Both men are troubled and Rafael needs to talk about what is on his mind. There is something he needs to happen and he has only this limited time with a soldier to make that happen.

Sergio Maggiolo’s understated direction is complemented by a simple yet immaculate design, using the thrust stage of the Cervantes to its best advantage.

Original Music was composed by Lucía Espín and Javier Rodriguez for the play using Lorca’s Sonnets of Dark Love as lyrics.